Monday, December 23, 2019

Greek Contributions Essay - 1482 Words

Major Greek contributions include astronomy, optics, and acoustics, along with major advances in mathematics. Science in ancient Greece was based on logical thinking and mathematics. The Greeks were very interested to know about the world, the heavens, and themselves. Greek geniuses were articulate thinkers. (Pg. 55, Society and Technological Change) The Greek philosophers were very much drawn to mathematics. They invented its generality, analyzed its premises, and made notable discoveries of theorems by a rigid adherence to deductive reasoning. Geometry became the basic instrument for measuring all things. (Weinkopf, a†¦show more content†¦The famous Eureka incident where water overflowed in his bath led him to discover the principle of displacement. His works showed how the behavior of objects in various media might be shown to follow rules of behavior, which could be measured using geometric means. Archimedes shifted the emphasis from mysterious qualities which objects were thought to possess to quantifiable matters such as weight, centers of gravity, balance, and so on. He invented ingenious machines of war, calculated the value of emf/em#224;, and devised a mathematical exponential system to express extremely large numbers. His best-known invention was a machine for raising water called Archimedes screw. (Rorr es, a href= Greek philosophers and scientists developed a number of important astronomical ideas. Thales is credited with introducing geometrical ideas into astronomy. Thales taught that everything in nature is composed of one basic thing, which he believed to be water. He and two generations of followers are credited with the invention of philosophy. They asked questions about how the universe worked and looked to naturalistic explanations for the origin of the world and everything inShow MoreRelatedThe Main Contributions from Greek Society Essay572 Words   |  3 PagesThe Greek civilization was the first European civilization. At this point in time religion is not prevalent or influential. The European religion was borrowed from the Middle East. There are two main contributions from the Greek civilization. They were politics and secular. Polis the Greek word for city state is where politics came from. They had modern politics with the first democracy. It was divided into city-states that rule themselves in a democratic fashion. With this they have the majorityRead MoreEssay on Ancient Greek Contributions602 Words   |  3 PagesAncient Greek Contributions Ancient Greece forged many of the contributions seen in western civilizations. One of the most influential contributions is literature. Those contributions where very important then and still are today. The importance of Greek literature is found when looking at the texts of western civilization. Greek writers created the form and foundation for later writings. By opening Greece to the idea of writing, literature introduced new forms of entertainment, record keepingRead MoreGreek And Roman Comparisons And Contributions1698 Words   |  7 Pages Greek and Roman Comparisons and Contributions Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome are responsible for many facets in today’s world. In fact, when reviewing history, the Greeks and Romans are sometimes confused with one another. There are many shared traditions, but yet there are many differences between the two. The countries are both Mediterranean, however they had different social class structures, different mythology, and placed different values on life. Ancient Greece was vibrant in the fifthRead MoreDbq: Ancient Greek Contributions1467 Words   |  6 PagesDBQ: ANCIENT GREEK CONTRIBUTIONS The Ancient Greek contribution ranged by the 1900-133 BC, however its influence on the Western Literate Society lasts to this day. As the Greeks expanded their empire, they spread their ideas to other countries, while also borrowing from other cultures. During this period of time, the Greeks made many significant and long-lasting contribution to our modern culture in Philosophy, Art, Democracy, Drama, Math, and Science. These givings of important ideasRead MoreThe Contributions Of The Ancient Greeks And Romans754 Words   |  4 PagesThe contributions of the ancient Greeks and Romans still influence our modern world. Greece was the birthplace of: World famous mathematicians: Thales of Miletus-Thales Theorem, Pythagoras of Samos, who coined the term, mathematics, (that which is learned.) As well as Pythagoras’s Theorem, A (2) +B (2) =C (2) Euclid (Eukleides)of Alexandria, treatise on geometry, the Elements. Origins of Architecture. Modern skyscrapers are still designed in the image of the great Greek Columns. MathematicalRead MoreEgyptian Contributions And Greek Culture1678 Words   |  7 PagesSTATEMENT Egyptian contributions were critical to the development of Greek culture. The Nile Valley civilization is the basis of philosophy, science, and medicine that is often times solely credited to the Greeks. PURPOSE STATEMENT After thorough research and analysis the Nile Valley Contributions to Greek civilization are evident. THE BEGINNINGS Ancient Greece is regarded as the beginnings of advanced sciences and philosophies and the fundamentals of the western world. For years, Greek culture has beenRead MoreGreek, India, and China Contributions552 Words   |  2 Pageslives are based on technology. We have computers, iPods, phones, televisions, etc†¦ but, what about the unnoticeable contributions that affect us more than we could imagine. The screw for example. The screw is everywhere around us. In fact its in your computers, televisions, iPods, and phones. The screw holds your more significant objects together in place. Like the screw the contributions of Greece, India, and China all have an impact on us today but it goes unnoticeable. All of these civilizations wereRead MoreContributions of Greek Civilization to Western Civilization825 Words   |  4 PagesCivilization Contributions of Greek Civilization to Western Civilization. Ancient Greeks made many influential contributions to western civilization such as in the areas of philosophy, art and architecture, math and science. These contributions, which are also the achievements of ancient Greece, include certain things in the areas of philosophy, art, architecture, math and science. The ancient Greeks were a remarkable civilization in that they have made all these contributions and achievementsRead MoreGreek and Roman Contributions to Modern Society1785 Words   |  8 Pagesmade significant contributions to Western civilization. Greek knowledge was ascendant in philosophy, physics, chemistry, medicine, and mathematics for nearly two thousand years. The Romans did not have the Greek temperament for philosophy and science, but they had a genius for law and civil administration. The Romans were also great engineers and builders. They invented concrete, perfected the arch, and constructed roads and bridges that remain in use today. But neither the Greeks nor the Romans hadRead MoreSimilarities And Contributions Of Ancient Egypt And Ancient Greek Cultures722 Words   |  3 Pagesthe world knew of paper. Fro m the Greeks, the Olympic Games was born. Both ancient civilizations have provided noteworthy and lasting contributions to the modern world in most aspects of life. The Egyptian Dynasty was based in the eastern part of North Africa along the stretches of the Nile River. The civilization have extended a period of over 4000 years; believed to have started around 3150 BC and continued until 31 BC under its last ruler, Cleopatra [ ]. The Greek civilization was believed to have

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Should a foreign state provide a mortgage Free Essays

Should a foreign state provide a mortgage for a diplomatic mission of another foreign state? BY FeltxR02 Diplomatic Law Should a foreign state provide a mortgage for a diplomatic mission of another foreign state? Until the beginning of the 20th Century was generally recognized the principle of international law according to which foreign states cannot be sued in courts of a foreign country (the principle of absolute immunity). This has proven to be unsustainable due to increasing economic activities of public authorities. It has been abandoned by most Jurisdictions. We will write a custom essay sample on Should a foreign state provide a mortgage or any similar topic only for you Order Now In Germany for example the principle of limited immunity is now practiced since the beginning of the 1960s. Therefore foreign States only enjoy immunity when they act in the name of their sovereignty (acta lure imperil). For claims arising from economic activity (acta lure gestionis) the foreign state cannot rely on its freedom of Jurisdiction. This can certainly be seen in a mortgage, because in international law not the purpose of government action, but he nature of the action determines whether it is a actum Jure imperil or lure gestionis. So there is generally a private law relationship between the bank and the ambassador, as a representative of the country. With the threat of payment default, the bank could therefore theoretically initiate enforcement and claim the money in court. Problems arise, however, in the enforcement of the claim, since Article 22 paragraph 3 of the Vienna Convention of 1961 rules that the buildings of an Embassy re excepted from any enforcement. For actions of enforcement or execution against a foreign State it is not allowed to take any measures against the things the diplomatic missions needs for its diplomatic representation and to the performance of their official functions (ne impediatur Legatio). In resume it can be dangerous for the bank to give the mortgage to the countries representatives, though you have the possibility of trying to enforce your claim. How to cite Should a foreign state provide a mortgage, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Recession and Its Effects free essay sample

This paper examines the current (2002) recession in the U.S. and how it effects the economy, our families, and certain industries. This paper explores the recession that the United States is now experiencing, and how it affects everything from large business like the airline industry to paying for tonights supper . The author also discusses how we can prevent or slow down future recessions. The paper focuses the recession on a microeconomic scale, applying it to the authors own Western Kentucky. From the Paper: The recession has impacted almost everyone in our surrounding community, whether they were impacted directly or indirectly. It has impacted local small businesses, large industries and companies, as well as individuals and families. All people in the economy are impacted by a recession. However, from the current information that I have obtained, it looks as if the economy is on the rise and will soon be back to normal. We will write a custom essay sample on Recession and Its Effects or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Recession is a serious issue, but hopefully our current let down in economy has been a learning experience and next time we will be better prepared and can prevent an equal disaster.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Management Programme Term-End Examination Essay Example

Management Programme Term-End Examination Essay December, 2005 MS95 (S) : RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR MANAGEMENT DECISIONS Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 100 (Weightage 70%) Note : (i) This paper contains two sections, Section A and B. Section A contains five questions. Attempt any four questions from this section. Section B is compulsory (ii) Statistical tables may be provided. (iii) Use of own non-programmable calculator is allowed. SECTION A 1. A local supermarket has experienced a decline in unit sales and little change in rupee value sales. Profits have almost vanished. The chief executive in searching for ways to revitalize the operation, was advised to increase the number of hours the market is open for business. He comes to you for advice in structuring a research problem that will provide relevant information for decision making, Define the research problem taking care to : (15) (a) state the relevant question. (b) enumerate the alternative answers. (c) clearly define the units of analysis and characteristics of interest. 2. A sample may be large yet worthless because it is not random; or it may be random but unreliable because it is small. Comment upon the above statement and explain the importance of sampling in daily life. (15) 3. What do you understand by factor analysis ? Mention the purpose and uses of factor analysis. (15) 4. What are the seven elements of communication, which are relevant for making a presentation ? Discuss. (15) 5. Write short notes on any three of the following : (15) (a) Objective charac teristics and Inferred characteristics (b) Editing of primary data c) Operating and Strategic decisions (d) Ordinal Scale (e) Audio-visual aids in presentation of reports SECTION B 6. Describe the semantic differential scale. Use the semantic differential technique to develop the profile of three television manufacturing companies in India. (20) 7. A random sample of 30 students obtained the following marks in a class test : (20) Test the hypothesis that their median score is more than 50. 58 55 25 32 26 85 44 80 33 72 10 42 15 46 64 39 38 30 36 65 72 46 54 36 89 94 25 74 66 29 We will write a custom essay sample on Management Programme Term-End Examination specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Management Programme Term-End Examination specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Management Programme Term-End Examination specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Coase - Price Mechanism And The Entrepreneur

Coase believed that it was important to enquire â€Å"why co-ordination is the work of the price mechanism in one case and the entrepreneur in the other†. How did Coase ultimately explain the choice between the alternatives? Using an industry of your choice illustrate how Coase’s theory of the firm helps explain the organisation of firms within that industry. Introduction Based predominantly on the work â€Å"The Nature of the Firm† (1937), in which R.H. Coase explored, in depth, the reasons for the emergence of organisational management through entrepreneurialism in the economic environment, this paper aims to outline and explain the concept of co-ordination of the factors of production, and the place of the price mechanism and role of the firm within the economic system. We will also attempt to highlight the threshold of the price mechanism and entrepreneurial co-ordination, and explain that upon which the choice between alternatives is based, whilst endeavouring to apply our conclusions towards practical example from Ireland’s modern-day industrial environment. Price Mechanism & the Entrepreneur The key to resolving the conflict between the independent price mechanism and managerial forms of co-ordination within the economic system is to interpret and understand the cost advantages and disadvantages of using the market, or command and control, to get things done. Coase introduces the equilibrium concept in his 1937 paper by referring to Sir Arthur Salter’s model of the economic system. In this system, â€Å"supply is adjusted to demand†¦ by a process that is automatic, elastic and responsive† (Coase 1937). The price mechanism allows for the economic assumption that firms are unnecessary, as the market is in a position to efficiently co-ordinate production without guidance or control. A primary method or conveying the operation of market co-ordination is to look at the concept of ‘perfect competition’, wher... Free Essays on Coase - Price Mechanism And The Entrepreneur Free Essays on Coase - Price Mechanism And The Entrepreneur Coase believed that it was important to enquire â€Å"why co-ordination is the work of the price mechanism in one case and the entrepreneur in the other†. How did Coase ultimately explain the choice between the alternatives? Using an industry of your choice illustrate how Coase’s theory of the firm helps explain the organisation of firms within that industry. Introduction Based predominantly on the work â€Å"The Nature of the Firm† (1937), in which R.H. Coase explored, in depth, the reasons for the emergence of organisational management through entrepreneurialism in the economic environment, this paper aims to outline and explain the concept of co-ordination of the factors of production, and the place of the price mechanism and role of the firm within the economic system. We will also attempt to highlight the threshold of the price mechanism and entrepreneurial co-ordination, and explain that upon which the choice between alternatives is based, whilst endeavouring to apply our conclusions towards practical example from Ireland’s modern-day industrial environment. Price Mechanism & the Entrepreneur The key to resolving the conflict between the independent price mechanism and managerial forms of co-ordination within the economic system is to interpret and understand the cost advantages and disadvantages of using the market, or command and control, to get things done. Coase introduces the equilibrium concept in his 1937 paper by referring to Sir Arthur Salter’s model of the economic system. In this system, â€Å"supply is adjusted to demand†¦ by a process that is automatic, elastic and responsive† (Coase 1937). The price mechanism allows for the economic assumption that firms are unnecessary, as the market is in a position to efficiently co-ordinate production without guidance or control. A primary method or conveying the operation of market co-ordination is to look at the concept of ‘perfect competition’, wher...

Friday, November 22, 2019

African Instruments

The history of African musical instruments is rich and diverse as the people that populate the African continent. Because music Is so deeply rooted in African culture, knowing about African instruments helps you understand the continent as well as the people. Apart from Africans themselves, this knowledge Is usually restricted to ethnomusicology and historians. The roots of African-American Instruments are burled deep within the music of the African continent. The history and evolution of African-Americans instruments are as rich and complex as the history of AfricanAmericans themselves. The essence of African-American Instruments Lies In Its expression of the human experience. Although the different styles vary widely In their tone, topic and the tools used to produce them, African-American Instruments have the ability to cross all color and culture lines. Styles such as the blues, country, jazz, gospel and hip hop have spread their Influence all over the world. Drums, banjo, and shakers have been a important key to making beautiful, inspiring music. Drumming was an important part of many African musical and religious radiation.The drum heads at either end of the drums wooden body are made from hide, fish-skin or other membranes which are wrapped around a wooden hoop. Leather cords or thongs run the length of the drums body and are wrapped around both hoops; when you squeeze these cords under your arm, the drum heads tighten, changing the instruments pitch. Drums served as an early form of long distance communication, and were used during ceremonial and religious functions. Ceremonial functions could include dance, rituals, story-telling and communication of points of order.The traditional drumming found in Africa is actually of three different types. Firstly, a rhythm can represent an idea (or signal). Secondly it can repeat the profile of a spoken utterance or thirdly it can simply be subject to musical laws. Drum Communication were based on actual natural languages. The sounds produced are conventionalism or idiomatic signals based on speech patterns. The messages are normally very stereotyped and context-dependent. By playing the drums the slaves would send warnings such as, the king is approaching or the enemy is attacking.After the work day was over, slaves would get together and sing out affirmations, pledges and prayers that they eventually lengthened out with repetitive choruses. At first, they accompany their vocals with handmade drums, but slave owners soon grew worrisome that this may be some sort of signal being made from one set of slaves to another that would ultimately lead to a revolt so the use of drums was abolished. African Instruments By Serenading populate the African continent. Because music is so deeply rooted in African culture, the people.Apart from Africans themselves, this knowledge is usually restricted to ethnomusicology and historians. The roots of African-American instruments are buried deep within the music of the African continent. The history and evolution of Americans themselves. The essence of African-American instruments lies in its expression of the human experience. Although the different styles vary widely in their tone, topic and the tools used to produce them, African-American instruments jazz, gospel and hip hop have spread their influence all over the world.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Social Marketing Campaign for Youth Gangs Assignment

Social Marketing Campaign for Youth Gangs - Assignment Example This essay declares that the proliferation of gangs is a national and local issue. The young ages of gang members and resulting individual and collective deviant behaviours make them a particular national concern. The basic age range of gang members is between 12 and 24 years, with the average ages of 17 and 18 years. These are children who should be studying in school and being moulded by society to reach for their dreams and upmost potentials. Instead, they are engaging in deviant and criminal behaviours. States and local communities also experience a rising incidence of gang membership. This paper makes a conclusion that in Atlanta, International Robbing Crew and 30 Deep are two of the largest gangs. They are mostly involved in drugs and robberies. The literature on the social context of gang membership contains numerous contradictions. Albert Cohen advances a subculture theory that seeks to explain why the youth join gangs. In particular, a gang provides them the opportunity to belong, to develop their sense of masculinity, to do something that is â€Å"valuable†, or to fight middle-class society and authority follows the study of psychologist Erik Erikson to understand gang membership. Erik Erikson argues that identity is a â€Å"developmental phenomenon† shaped by the social conditions and internal developmental processes. A social and cultural background that provides for the identity formation process and helps adolescents achieve their human identity needs is beneficial to a robust identity formation.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Davis vs. the Board of County Commissioners of Doa Ana County Essay

Davis vs. the Board of County Commissioners of Doa Ana County - Essay Example The court concludes that Dona Ana Country deserves to be accountable for negligent referral (misinterpretation) due to positive references. When Herrera got a position as the mental health technician, he was allegedly accused of sex assault by the plaintiff and physically abused female patients. In case an organization provides misleading references that can contribute to the harm of employees in the new job, the jurisdictions have the right to sue that organization for the negligent referral. According to Kohn, Kohn and Colapinto, the court of appeal has the right to judge Steele and Mochen for not taking into considerations the harm caused to the third party and the risk that may be encountered in the end. The government has the laws that protect all employees and the third parties in an organization from any harm imposed upon them. The US departments of Labor and its divisions have varied laws, which can shield third parties or employees in the workplace. Cases of negligent or a m isinterpretation of any information provided regarding employees that may pose risks to other employees is illegal. Therefore, the court made it very clear that Herrera was not supposed to provide employment reference since he was a former employee at MVH. Therefore, Herrera could have remained silent, but in case he chose to present the reference, the MVH has a duty to present factual information about him. However, since Sleeve and Mochen made a decision of presenting signed written misinterpreted information by omitting Herrera’s references, they were liable for this action. This is because Herrera could not be trusted as an employee who could deliver effective services as his behaviors could bear worse results; thus portraying a bad image to the company. Should it have mattered that the former employer’s investigation was not able to confirm all of the allegations against Herrera? Explain your answer. It should have mattered that the former employer’s invest igation was not able to confirm all the allegations against Herrera because the decision relied upon legal issues. This legal issue places an individual who either deliberately or negligently offers false information to another party for the physical assault,

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Feudal Systems Essay Example for Free

Feudal Systems Essay The Japanese and European feudal systems were very much alike yet different in their own ways. Japan’s feudal system was composed of peasants, samurais, daimyos, shoguns and emperors. Then there was the European feudal system. It was composed of serfs, knights, church officials, nobles, kings and queens. In Japan, there was an emperor. The emperor did not do much, he was more like a figure head and he did not make any laws. He was just there to represent the country. The shogun was the person who not only make and pass laws, but controlled finances and the daimyos. The daimyos were lords that controlled samurai, which were warrior protectors for wealthy land owners. Samurai followed a code of behavior called the Bushido, or the â€Å"way of the warrior†. The Bushido stated that samurai were to be brave, loyal and honorable. The wouldn’t complain when they received physical hardship, they did not fear death. If a samurai was defeated or disobeyed their masters, they were to form a ceremonial suicide called Seppuku. It was a way to dishonor with defeat. Last but not least, there were the peasants. They were mostly farmers and traders. Unlike Japan’s feudal system, in the European feudal system, the king and queen controlled nobles, the church and peasants. Nobles or lords owned land and they would grant part of their land to peasants. The grant was called a fief. These peasants would use about two thirds of the land for farming and they would give some of the crops to the lord. Nobles and lords also controlled the knights. Knights were just like samurai in Japan, also they follow something similar to the Bushido. It is called the chivalry and is a system of rules that told of how knights should behave towards others. Both feudal systems were from different countries but they were very much alike.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

De Vaca and Smith :: Social Issues, Indian Life

Both Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca and John Smith hold different attitudes regarding their accounts of Indian life. The difference in attitudes may have resulted from the difference in treatments that each man received while in captivity. De Vaca’s experience is a humbling one. His account of Indian life is written in a thoughtful manner, and he describes the Indians kindly. While he describes his captivity as â€Å"melancholy and wretched† (De Vaca 34), it’s clear that he harbors no ill feelings towards the Indians. He states that he and his men were treated well, that they lived as â€Å"free agents† (De Vaca 32) and tried to accustom themselves to Indian life. He’s highly observant of the Indian life. He records the Indian lifestyles in detail; his account reads more like a cultural anthropology study. His account of Indian life ends on a sympathetic note towards the Indians especially after he realizes his misjudgment of the Christians. â€Å"We often misjudge the motives of men,† de Vaca writes, â€Å"We thought we had effected the Indians’ liberty, when the Christians were but poising to pounce (De Vaca 36).† Smith, on the other hand, describes his account in a boastful manner. His account of Indian life reads like a fantastic adventure novel in which he is the glorified hero. He continuously refers to the Indians as â€Å"savages† (Smith 46) or â€Å"barbarians† (Smith 48) throughout his account. He even describes them as â€Å"devils† (Smith 51). At one point, he thinks that the Indians are trying to â€Å"fat him to eat him† (Smith 50). Smith’s account is so incredibly dramatic that he expects â€Å"every hour to be put to one death or other† (Smith 52). Also, the incident with Pocahontas saving Smith appears to be highly romanticized. Smith’s manner of writing, in which he writes of himself in the third person, only adds to the boastful tone of this account. It makes the entire account seem impersonal. It also makes Smith appear self-important and frivolous. One can only speculate on why there is such a huge difference in these two writers’ attitudes. Their backgrounds may be factors that have influenced their attitudes. For de Vaca, it may be his religious background that has influenced him and shaped his attitude. In his account, he acknowledges his religion several times. â€Å"My only solace in these labors was to think of the sufferings of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, and the blood He shed for me,† de Vaca writes.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Same-sex Marriage in the Philippines

Most senatorial bets against same-sex marriage; Enrile is lone supporter ANDREO CALONZO, GMA NewsMarch 18, 2013 12:48pm 145 6 838 (Updated 11:17 p. m. ) Most senatorial bets for the May 2013 polls rejected the legalization of same-sex marriage in the Philippines, with Cagayan Rep. Jack Enrile the only candidate expressing support for gay union, interviews conducted by GMA News Online revealed. Twenty-four of the 33 senatorial hopefuls said they are not keen on giving same-sex couples the chance to get married in the country, where over 80 percent of the citizens are Roman Catholics.Bangon Pilipinas senatorial candidate Eddie Villanueva, a religious leader who founded the Jesus is Lord Church, said he is against same-sex marriage because it is against Biblical teachings. â€Å"Sabi ng Good Book, huwag gayahin ‘yung nangyari sa Sodom and Gomorrah dahil darating ang paggunaw sa isang bansa ‘pag ‘yun ay ginawa,† Villanueva said in an interview. Ang Kapatiran Part y senatorial bet Rizalito David, meanwhile, said same-sex marriage is â€Å"against natural law. † â€Å"Ang lalaki, ang mapapangasawa niya ay babae, at sila'y mag-aanak at dadami ang sangkatauhan. Yan ang naturang batas at hindi kailanman nagkaroon sa natural law na pwede ang parehong babae o parehong lalaki,† David said in a separate interview. David's party lists in its political platform a â€Å"spiritual dimension† to â€Å"seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. † The issue on same-sex marriage recently came back to public attention with the election of a new head of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis. As a cardinal, the new pontiff openly opposed a bill to legalize same-sex unions in Argentina. He even described child adoption by couples of the same-sex as a form of discrimination to the child. A chance for happiness' Only one senatorial hopeful, Cagayan Rep. Jack Enrile, said he supports the legalization of gay unions in the Phil ippines. â€Å"Let's give everybody a chance for happiness. Let us not discriminate. If it is your inclination to be happy with a man, why discriminate against that? † Enrile said in a separate interview. He said his view on same-sex marriage was influenced by the years he spent living in the United States. â€Å"I have seen in other countries couples of the same sex who have lived very upright lives and raised children,† he explained. Legal recognition' Makabayan senatorial hopeful and Bayan Muna Rep. Teodoro Casino, who did not have a categorical stand on the issue, said he is open to giving some sort of â€Å"legal recognition† to couples of the same sex. â€Å"It's something I still have to study and learn. I'm willing to hear both sides, what the benefits and disadvantages are. I have an open mind,† Casino said. Liberal Party senatorial bet Paolo Benigno â€Å"Bam† Aquino IV, who rejected same-sex marriage, meanwhile said he is open to giving â€Å"some rights† to â€Å"long-term† same-sex couples.Former Akbayan Rep. Risa Hontiveros, who is also running under the administration slate, for her part said she â€Å"upholds the rights of same-sex couples to form families,† but added that passing an anti-discrimination bill in the country may be the proper first step towards allowing gay unions in the Philippines. — DVM/RSJ, GMA News Don’t expect Obama’s endorsement of same-sex marriage to have an impact here. It was a historical and an inspiring gesture, one that would galvanize a changing cultural perspective on same-sex relationships inside and outside America.Here, it would spark debates on our readiness for same-sex marriage, but don’t hold your breath: it won’t alter anything here fundamentally. Don’t even think that this would suddenly lead President Aquino to push his allies in Congress to enact a law legalizing same-sex marriage. It just won’t happ en. This is not to say that the social attitudes and behavior of Filipinos toward homosexuality and same-sex marriage are not changing. They are, and social media has triggered a shift in how we digest controversial topics that in the past have been filtered and controlled by traditional institutions, such as the Church and our schools.I’m not saying that Filipinos are now more pro-LGBT, but the overall mood is changing, and there’s more openness to engage in an issue that is still otherwise considered taboo. Social media has democratized access to a wider range of narratives and stories on LGBTs and made them part of our common experiences, creating a climate that could help dismantle oppressive stereotypes about homosexuality. The bullying of LGBT kids in American schools, for instance, a Canadian transgender joining the Miss Universe, the coming out of Hollywood celebrities – these have all catalyzed conversations here.And while we know that these happened el sewhere, we have embraced the universal elements of these stories. More importantly, social media has given us access to participate in these conversations. To respond to a homophobic slur in the past meant writing press releases or letters to the editors, the fate of which would depend on the mood of the editors. Today, Facebook and Twitter could help anyone – the in-your-face LGBT activist, the closeted bakla, and their fag hags – push alternative perspectives on LGBTs, and influence how opinion gatekeepers and icons see the issue. Why the difficulty?If social attitudes are gradually shifting, why then is it hard to push for LGBT rights and same-sex marriage here in the Philippines? Many would automatically blame the Catholic taliban, and how it has been trying to control our political institutions. I think it is a wrong framing of the problem, and it grants the Catholic hierarchy a degree of influence that doesn’t exist. The Church has no control over public opinion, as proven by the continuing popularity of the RH Bill despite the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines's opposition to it and by the failure of the Catholic Church to mobilize the so-called â€Å"Catholic vote. What we perceive to be the Church’s political influence in fact indicates a fundamental weakness in our political institutions, a democratic flaw that makes our system beholden to interest groups like the Catholic taliban. The Church is powerful; the problem is that the state is weak. Legal recognition of same-sex partnerships, whether through marriage or civil unions, would not happen by engaging or reforming the Catholic hierarchy. It is after all the business of the Church hierarchy to be dogmatic, and we should just let it collapse under the weight of its internal contradictions.We should be engaging and reforming the state and make it modern, inclusive, and truly representative. Strategic battleground For the LGBT community, that would require a change in strategy. One, it means that LGBTs must reframe the debate on homosexuality along secular and non-religious terms. While I understand why Catholic LGBTs want to carve a more tolerant space within the Catholic faith, the more strategic battleground is in the Constitution, not the Bible.Same-sex marriage is understandably a sensitive religious issue, but it is above all about our sectarian values – about basic fairness and our constitutional rights, about human dignity regardless of the sex of the people we love. Two, we need to be more forthright about gay love and gay sex. For many years, LGBT activists have skirted the issue of same-sex partnerships and gay marriage as a non-priority, relegating it under more crucial issues, like discrimination in schools and the workplace.This sends the wrong signal – that same-sex partnerships are secondary and unimportant, when ironically the root of discrimination against LGBTs is the rejection of same-sex partnerships , both the sexual and romantic sides of it. We need to embrace gay sex and gay love and feel less guilty about them. A modern state, embracing gay sex and gay love. Who said that marriage is easy? – Rappler. com (The author is coordinator of Akbayan's LGBT Collective and a member of the Philippine National AIDS Council. ) BY JONAS BAGAS POSTED ON 05/11/2012 4:04 PM | UPDATED 05/13/2012 10:45 PMUpdated March 2013 Quick facts on key provisions State law and/or constitutional provision limits marriage to relationships between a man and a woman: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California*, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming California voters adopted a constitutional provision li miting marriage to relationships between a man and a woman in November 2008. This provision was challenged in federal court and ruled unconstitutional. Enforcement of this decision has been delayed pending a U. S. Supreme Court decision on the case. Supreme Court hearings are scheduled for March 2013 and a decision is expected by June 2013. State issues marriage licenses to same-sex couples: Connecticut, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont, Washington and the District of ColumbiaStates allows civil unions, providing state-level spousal rights to same-sex couples: Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, New Jersey, Rhode Island Three of these states (Delaware, Hawaii and Illinois) also have laws limiting marriage to relationships between a man and a woman. Note: In Connecticut, Vermont and New Hampshire, same-sex marriage has replaced civil unions. State grants nearly all state-level spousal rights to unmarried couples (domestic partnerships)*: California, Neva da, Oregon, Washington** **Effective June 30, 2014 domestic partnerships in Washington will be limited to couples who are 62 years of age or older.State provides some state-level spousal rights to unmarried couples (domestic partnerships)*: Hawaii, Maine, Wisconsin and the District of Columbia State legislatures have been deeply involved in the public debates about how to define marriage and whether the official recognition of â€Å"marriage† should be limited to relationships involving one man and one woman or that same-sex couples should also be entitled to â€Å"marriage. † State legislatures have gone both ways in this debate: either enacting â€Å"defense of marriage† laws and constitutional provisions or, going the opposite direction, adopting laws allowing same sex marriage.Five states have adopted civil unions for same-sex couples that provide the same legal rights as marriage. Most states have adopted prohibitions of same-sex marriage. Most states do so by adopting â€Å"defense of marriage† language that defines marriage in their state constitution and/or state law in a way similar to the language in the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) —â€Å"the word ‘marriage' means only a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife. † Other states prohibit same sex marriages or marriages between persons of the same sex or gender.Thirty states have placed that language in their state constitutions (26 of these states also have statutory provisions adopting this language). A further eight states have statutory language adopting the restrictive language. Note that this count does include California, where federal courts have invalidated a 2008 initiative that added constitutional language defining marriage as limited to unions involving one man and one woman. The challenge to that constitutional provision is to be heard by the U. S. Supreme Court in 2013. Nine states and the District of Columbia currently allow same-sex marriages.In Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Iowa, the states’ highest courts ruled that the state constitution required that same-sex couples be accorded the same marriage rights as opposite-sex couples. In Vermont, New Hampshire, the District of Columbia and New York, Maryland and Washington, legislative bodies have passed statutory changes that allow same-sex marriages. In Maine, the legislature passed a same-sex marriage law in 2009, which was repealed in a voter referendum. In 2012, Maine voteres reversed course and approved a same-sex marriage statute. Same-sex marriages are currently being performed in those states.Several states have also expanded the legal rights available to spouses in same-sex relationships while also limiting marriage to opposite-sex couples with civil unions and domestic partnerships. Same Sex Marriages in the Philippines (Affrmative) Resolved: Same sex marriages should be legalized in the Philippines. Let me start with a quote. If homosexuality is a disease, let's all call in queer to work: â€Å"Hello. Can't work today, still queer. † That was by Robin Tyler. Instead of saying hey, I’m pulling off a sickie today, you say hey, sorry if I can’t go to work—I’m still gay. Can you imagine that kind of situation?If so, let’s start asking ourselves today. Why do homosexuals have to be discriminated anyway? Do they harm you or anyone in the society you live in? Same sex marriages have been an issue in the Philippines for a long time now, but since we live in a predominantly Christian country, people simply avoid further discussion of such. According to the 1987 Constitution of the Republic of Philippines, Article 2, Section 6; the separation of the church and state shall be inviolable. Meaning, no matter how grave the social issue may be, the church can never contradict the decision of the government and vice versa.It has been widely understood that the Roman Cat holic church will always be against same sex marriages considering the fact that their beliefs and principles are based from the sacred scripture. However, citizens who do not opt to engage into religious ceremonies have the option to be conjugated by means of civil wedding. It has been said under Article 7 of The Family Code of the Philippines, that marriage may be officiated by a person other than a priest, rabbi, imam or minister. Included are any incumbent members of the judiciary within the court's jurisdiction.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Characteristic of Good Co-Worker Essay

When you work at a company, your colleagues obviously constitute an important factor that conduce to an interesting or horrible job. As far as I’m concerned, a great colleague is an enthusiastic, responsible, and friendly person. To begin with, I believe that an enthusiastic worker will not only accomplish his or her tasks quickly but also be able to foster other people who collaborate with him or her . This is because when I was previously working in a software development team, one of my teammates always showed zeal for our projects. He agreed to do every tasks that team leader gave to. In addition, he normally finished the tasks earlier than other co-workers. This resulted in that other people in the team including me were encouraged by his great enthusiasm. We tried our best to work and complete our tasks as soon as possible. Our projects, therefore, were usually accomplished before deadline. Secondly, how do you work with irresponsible co-workers? My brother, who work in a bank, usually complains about his colleagues. Since they usually leave their position during working hours for personal activities, they don’t fulfill their tasks, hence my brother have to help them to carry out their ones. Consequently, for me, being responsible is always considered to be a vital trait that every co-workers needs to possess. Last but not least, friendly co-workers will create a friendly and comfortable working atmosphere that can increase the interest of employees in their job. For example, I was pressurized greatly into doing my projects one year ago. However, by communicating with friendly colleagues, I felt more relaxed and was able to perform the project completely. Furthermore, since we are friendly people, our team are capable of collaborating more efficiently. Thus, our projects are usually finished quickly. In conclusion, although I have not had many chances to work with various people yet, there may be more other characteristics to define a great colleague. However, I believe that a person who possesses enthusiastic, responsible and friendly qualities is definitely a great colleague.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Classification of Shoes

Classification of Shoes For centuries males have often wondered the same question that for most women have an obvious answer, yet it is something that many men do not fully understand: "Why do women have so many pairs of shoes?" This subject can often be found as the brunt of jokes or even the root of large arguments between spouses. Although greatly misunderstood, the numerous array of shoes has a purpose, and every pair is meaningful.One of the most misunderstood of all shoe styles is the lady's high heel. The shoe, although often associated with the "playboy" type women, is a very elegant and appropriate shoe. High heels show off a woman's feminine side quickly. Despite the feminine side of heels, they can be quite painful and somewhat a hassle when the heel proceeds to break while walking amongst a crowd; but it is all worth it when a woman feels the power that comes with her heels.Shoes made from real crocodile skin, in a conserva...High heels are a must for any occassion, such as weddings, dates, or a nywhere she may want to impress someone.Boots are usually thought of as the army-style kind, but have been re-vamped with a feminine twist by adding different details. The most noticeable feature of this style of footwear is the shape of the toe. Since the rest of the shoe is not ordinarily seen the toe's shape is essential to her outfit. Another detail that makes the boot unique is height of the heel. It ranges from a sexy stiletto to a graceful flat. Boots are versatile, and can go with a skirt, blue jeans, and dress pants, just to name a few."Even ladies with awful legs, like huge columns, they get very masked by the boot. The best idea for covering up terrible mistakes of nature is the boot."...

Monday, November 4, 2019

If PR professionals do their jobs well, they will serve the interests Essay

If PR professionals do their jobs well, they will serve the interests of the people who have paid them. There is a direct confl - Essay Example To aid in coming up with a clear comprehension of the communicative function of the two, a significant number of study theories and concepts have been produced by different research workers. Although the research works have not been fully able to address the subject, they have provided a wide basis as regards theoretical and conceptual notions on the subject. Thus, the most significant quest here is on the idea of the complex and conflicting communicative function of a journalist and public relations professional as regards their day-to-day interaction with their targeted user groups (Bivins 2009, p.103). Since the two professionals are closely related and have great complexity in terms of what exactly differentiates them, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of their respective fields of work. Journalism entails the process of collecting, jotting, editing of news from the public and related areas all around a specified geographic terrain. These news articles are then pre sented in newspapers, radio stations, magazines and television for broadcasting to other members of a whole nation, globally or depending on the defined geographic area to be covered. That is, a journalist’s daily operations involve interaction with the public in gathering and presentation of information. On the other hand, a public health professional’s communicative function is almost the Ð µsame as that of a journalist (Narasimha, 2010, p. 230). Public health professionals involve themselves in putting into practice the act of performing and maintaining a strong (healthy) relationship between the organizations they work for and the members of public and respective stakeholders. That is, their communicative function essentially revolves around a close interaction and sharing of information with the public (Narasimha, 2010, p. 20). The idea in public relations is for an organization to gain exposure to their targeted audience. In the process of gaining exposure, topi cs based on public interest are usually put into practice and items are brought forward with no interest for direct payment. The most significant aim for public relation professionals is to persuade the public, business partners, investors and other stakeholders to keep into practice or mind a specific viewpoint as regards products, leadership and its political aspirations (Bivins 2009, p. 102) It is thus clear that public relation professionals and journalists almost have the same communicative functionality which possesses a conflicting bird’s eye view of the subject. A number of research theories, organization case studies and concepts have addressed this subject. The aim of all these is to clarify or make it clear what each profession puts into close consideration on the notion of communication and interaction with the public (Van Ruler & Vercic 2004). Public relation profession and journalism engross a key set of concepts, readings and theories that make it easy for a pr ofessional, individual or an organization to build reputation among public members and respective stakeholders. Usually businesses or organizations have to be adept in practicing public relations and to put off the idea of considering public relation as only a means of reacting to a scandal (Watson & Noble 2007). As mentioned earlier, journalism puts into close consideration several practices that are closely related or almost the same as public relations. In this

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Portfolio Optimization Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Portfolio Optimization - Research Paper Example ). The investor treats the national market as a global market with all its different industrial sectors where each sector symbolizes a national market. The diverse industrial sectors are to some extent uncorrelated and will provide a positive excess return and consequently should be added to the portfolio. Search for the window of opportunity with mathematical tools, the statistical result gives the investor an indication of the suitability of the opportunity in the perspective of the investor’s aversion to risk. When allocating the portfolio from a global point of view, it is important to be aware of that the transaction costs probably will rise to a great extent (Litterman, 2003). The efficient frontier solves the question of how to identify the best level of diversification. The concept of an efficient frontier can be applied in a number of ways. In essence, an efficient frontier is a curve on a graph representing the relationship between return and risk for a set of portfolios. For a portfolio to be on the efficient frontier, the portfolio must maximize return for a given level of risk (Litterman, 2003). It is simple concepts that risk and return are linked together and that there is a relationship between them, and thus there could be a way to determine the degree of risk that would be required for various levels of return. According to Litterman (2003). it is hard to generate high returns without exposing yourself to some kind of risk. Litterman (2003).devised what he called the efficient frontier, a trade-off graph with the expected return on one axis and risk on the other axis. It is a curve representing all portfolios that maximize the expected return for a given level of risk. The efficient frontier is simply a line drawn from the bottom left to the top right where each point on that line represents an intersection between potential reward and its corresponding level of risk. The most

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Analysis a relationship about economic Statistics Project

Analysis a relationship about economic - Statistics Project Example The money in supply and inflation rate is always interconnected because a high amount of money in supply usually devalues demand for money. For instance, in a small town if all residents were to get $50 raise in their salary each month, if they were paying about $14 on their gas, then with the rise they will likely not mind paying $15 given the fact that it is relatively less than what they normally spent on gasoline per week. In most cases, this is normally how the relationship between inflation and money often starts, when the market is able to bear high prices due to increase in the money supply (Mishkin, 40). Therefore, most customers will most likely opt out of buying a product at the same price it was before the inflation occurred simply because the buying power of the currency has been worn out. The graph above shows the estimated value of the relationship between inflation and money growth. The rate of inflation depends on the amount of money in supply. When one takes into consideration the classical theory, money does not affect real variables but has an effect on nominal variables such as inflation. This, therefore, means that when plotting the graph, the rate of inflation will be plotted on the y-axis while the supply of money will be plotted on the x-axis. The blue dots are the actual values while the red line shows the fitted values. In the long run, the correlation between money and inflation is rather high and can be estimated to almost one. However, when the short term period is taken into consideration, the relationship between money and inflation is rather weak which could be an attributing factor as to why the curve showing the relationship between money and inflation is not straight. Several economic theories can be applied in order to try to explain the relationship between money supply and inflation. If one were to use the quantity supply theory, also refers to as monetarism, the relation between money in supply and

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Leadership and Corporate Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Leadership and Corporate Behavior - Essay Example Hence, the point needs to be made about team selection taking priority at the initial stages itself and then selecting and choosing team members in such a way as to ensure that people who have a history of ethical behavior are selected. This can be done at the time of hiring and recruitment itself. The team members must be hired after thorough background checks and vetting so that any previous disposition towards unethical behavior is found out (Salmon, 1993). Leadership is all about leading from the front and by example. Hence, there is a need to develop leaders who are capable and also exhibit ethical behavior. This is the primary requirement for leadership. So, the teams that are to be formed should have the leaders in such a way as to ensure that illegal activity and recourse to unethical behavior is curbed. In conclusion, it is incumbent upon the team leadership to guide the team in such a way that ethical norms are followed and that the team follows normative rules of behavior consistent with those drawn up by the ethics committee (McCall, 2002). 2) A crisis management plan has to anticipate crises, plan for contingencies and have a mitigation strategy when the crises arise. This is the essence of a good crisis management plan. To take each of the components in turn, a good crisis management plan must be able to anticipate future crises from happening. Though all crises cannot be anticipated, there are many of them that can be identified at the beginning of the planning process. These include the system outages, threat of building collapse and accidents involving personnel (Daboub, 1995). The next step would be to have a back up plan for contingencies that revolves around the ways and means to deal with the crises. For instance, there can be back up servers when the main server crashes leading to an outage. Similarly, there can be an alternative site that can house some personnel in case of damage to the main

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Introduction to the Id and the Superego

Introduction to the Id and the Superego The topic of discussion today was Understanding Our Own Defences. Since the lesson, I have been researching this subject and learned that it was Sigmund Freud (1856 1939) who first began to write about the mechanisms our brain uses to stop us from feeling anxiety, guilt or hurt. Freud believed that our psyche, which is not our physical brain, more our personality and the way we behave, is split into three. He called these parts the Id, the Ego and the Super Ego. He thought that the id was submerged out of sight in our subconscious, whereas the ego and super ego were in our consciousness. The id is the primitive and instinctive part of our personality that contains sexual and aggressive drives and hidden memories, the super-ego operates as a moral conscience, and the ego is the realistic part that mediates between the desires of the id and the super-ego. According to the theory, we are born with only the id part of our personality, and we go on to develop the ego and super ego at aro und 3 to 5 years of age. The Id, however, remains a personality trait throughout our life, one of its traits is that it demands immediate attention. Freud stated that the ego is That part of the id which has been modified by the direct influence of the external world. It develops as a sort of negotiator between the id and the external world, however, as Freud himself observed, it developed as a mechanism to postpone satisfaction and to help the individual fit into societies expectations of them. The ego concerns itself with a more rational, problem-solving state of mind and will try to re-think solutions until the problem is solved. Freud made the analogy of the id being a horse while the ego is the rider. The ego is like a man on horseback, who has to hold in check the superior strength of the horse. The main purpose of the superego is to control the impulses of the id, especially those which society forbids such as aggression or sex. It acts as a sort of moral compass for the ego, striving for perfection rather than simple realistic outcomes and consists of two components, the conscience and the ideal self. It is driven by unconscious values learned from parents and society, and because perfection is the goal, falling short can lead us to feelings of shame or guilt, so, in order to deal with these feelings, Freud declared that the ego employs a range of defence mechanisms. These defence mechanisms operate at an unconscious level and help ward off unpleasant feelings such as anxiety or guilt which may have arisen because we felt threatened, or because our id or superego became too demanding. Freud identified seven defence mechanisms, but there are much more. Repression: pushing away a thought or a feeling, saying to yourself lets forget about it, Many things can be an object of repression such as painful memories of forbidden desires. Although, sometimes our true feelings can leak out in what is known as a Freudian slip, like the man who was introduced to a colleague who had got the big promotion he had applied for. His opening remark was Hello I am David, pleased to beat you Denial: Refusing to accept that something exists or happened. This can be a mechanism that is seen when someone refuses to accept the death of a loved one. Or making excuses for continuing unhealthy behaviour such as smoking, with phrases such as my granny smoked forty a day and lived until she was one hundred and two. Projection: This involves individuals attributing their own thoughts, feelings and motives to another person. Thoughts most commonly projected onto another are ones that would cause guilt such as aggressive and sexual fantasies or thoughts. For instance, you might hate someone, but your superego tells you that such hatred is unacceptable. You can solve the problem by believing that they hate you. Rationalisation: Creating an acceptable but incorrect explanation of a situation, for example, the man caught stealing computers from the warehouse he works at Its not stealing, my company sells millions of computers for big profit, they wont miss the two that I have taken. Intellectualisation: Thinking about something logically without any attached emotion, for example, Counsellor: Well Jane, your husband has left you, and you have been made redundant, how does that feel? Janes response: I now have a lot more time on my hands, I can get on with the gardening and catch up on some odd jobs around the house, as for my job I did not like it much anyway. Reaction formation: Doing the opposite of what you would really like to do, being over-nice to someone you dislike is a good example of this. The best example is the person who mutters through gritted teeth No, I am not angry. Regression: Acting in the way a child might if they did not get their own way. Foot stamping, speaking in a whiney voice or storming off are good examples of this. As we can see above, defence mechanisms are protective, coping, strategies adopted by the brain to shield us from painful feelings. The brain has said to itself Im too afraid to feel this so Im going to make something up that I wont be so afraid of. As a counsellor, our job is to attempt to get through these defences to the core issue that is troubling the client and to provide the support the client needs to initiate a change within themselves. This may take some time as the client may not initially trust or feel comfortable with us. They may feel frightened or embarrassed to show their true feelings. The Oxford English Dictionary defines trust as a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. Carl Rogers said, a good counsellor will have some sense of how to match the pace of counselling sessions to the needs of their clients. So, in summary, when a client first comes to us, they will probably demonstrate some of the defences written about above, we will then carefully use our counselling skills to build a rapport and try to make the client feel comfortable enough to start to discuss why they feel the need to seek counselling.  

Friday, October 25, 2019

Vitamin C in Treatment of the Common Cold :: Health Medicine Papers

Vitamin C in Treatment of the Common Cold Is Vitamin C the cure for the common cold? Will it reduce the severity and duration of a cold? Will it prevent you from ever having another cold? Of course, we would all like to think that would be true, but what’s the real effect of Vitamin C supplements? What is Vitamin C and Where Can I Find It? Vitamin C is water soluble and functions as an antioxidant and as a coenzyme. Furthermore, it can perform different functions in various situations, such as aiding in collagen formation for teeth, cartilage, and connective tissue and aiding in the formation of new tissue in wound healing. Vitamin C can be found in foods such as broccoli, brussel sprouts, cantaloupe, grapefruit, kiwi, oranges, peppers, and strawberries. Presently the RDA is 60 mg. What are the Dangers? Vitamin C Deficiency Vitamin C deficiency is rather rare in Western countries, however, it still occurs in alcoholics, drug addicts, and the elderly--groups whose dietary intakes are often very poor. Marginal deficiency symptoms are gingivitis, loose teeth, aching limbs and joints, poor wound healing, and weakening of tissues which increases the risk of infection. (Grodner, Anderson, & DeYoung; 1996) Vitamin C Toxicity Despite the fact that Vitamin C is essential to good health, you can have too much of a good thing. Although toxicity from foods high in Vitamin C does not occur, taking supplements in large doses (1 gm to 15 gm) may result in symptoms such as cramps, nausea, diarrhea, kidney stones, and gout. After receiving excessive amounts of Vitamin C, the body begins to destroy much of the excess Vitamin C that is in circulation. Furthermore, there is a potential rebound effect upon abruptly stopping supplementation for the body is still in the process of destroying the vitamin. (Grodner, Anderson, & DeYoung; 1996) Brown (1973) also warned that chronic massive doses of Vitamin C resulted in increased mobilization of calcium and phosphate from the skeletons of chicks, weakening the bone structure. Although unsure if massive doses would produce the same effect in humans, the author warned against chronic massive supplementation. Vitamin C and Colds: How Does it Work? Vitamin C is often used for both prophylactic and therapeutic purposes. Wilson, Loh, and Foster (1972) state that the prophylactic effect refers to the ability of vitamin C to prevent a cold Furthermore, commencement of administration of vitamin C when cold symptoms first appear constitutes the therapeutic use.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Coca cola marketing research Essay

The Coca-Cola company was established back in 1886 and it is most famous of creating the soft drink Coca Cola. Based on a global brand study, Coca Cola was the world’s most valuable brand in 2011. Though, just like all those â€Å"old† and well developed brands, Coca Cola is facing aging problem, a disconnection with the younger generation and it seems like people are not picking up coca cola as a trendy drink and a sign of coolness anymore as there are so many other drinks available in the market nowaday. In order to make the brand’s image younger, Coca Cola started a campaign back in 2011 called â€Å"Share a Coke†, internally known as â€Å"Project Connect†. It is a worldwide campaign that started with their Australia team and in 2014 the campaign has finally reached Hong Kong. There are two objectives for this campaign, to get the attention of the younger generation and to make them feel like Coca Cola is still a trendy and cool thing to be talk ing about and another communication objective for the campaign is really just to have everyone to talk about Coca Cola again, both in the real and virtual world. As mentioned, Coca cola is trying to get collection with young people again and to make Coca Cola the cool thing to be talking about among people, so the target audience of the campaign is young adults focusing on demographic of 18 – 25 years old, who is health consumers, affluent and really is the current and future major stakeholders for the brand. In order to bring people together to â€Å"Share a Coke†, Coca Cola swapped out Coke’s classic label on bottles and cans with 200 of Hong Kong’s most popular nick names, like â€Å"Ã¥ ¥ ³Ã§Å¡â€¡ (queen), â€Å"Gag 王 (joke maker)†, †Buddy†, â€Å"ç ²â€°Ã§ µ ²(fans)†, â€Å"é â€Ã¤ º º(expert)†, â€Å"Ã¥ ¥ ³Ã§ ¥Å¾ (goddess)†, â€Å"ç” ·Ã§ ¥Å¾ (god)† or common names like â€Å"Yan†, â€Å"Wah†, â€Å"Lee†, â€Å"Fung† and â€Å"Ming† or phases like â€Å"miss you†, â€Å"love you†, â€Å"Oh Dear†, à ¢â‚¬Å"Cheer up† and â€Å"I’m yours† etc. This is one of the strategy that Coca Cola came out to bring together to talk about Coca Cola again, a new concept that Coke came up and wants to promote is â€Å"Shareability†. Coca Cola understands the best way to connect people is to have something they can share or even can send it as a gift to their friends and relatives. Moreover, If you can’t find a nick name, common names nor phases that best represent you or your love one? No worries, Coca Cola had created a web page for customers to go online and create a virtual bottle to share it on social media (e.x. facebook, Instagram and Twitter†¦etc) with their friends and family. Coca Cola would never missed a single person who is interested in â€Å"Share a Coke† out. In other countries, such as the U.S. and U.K., customers with less common names (or basically if you can’t find what you are looking for), they are able to get a mini can customized with their name on it at one of their pop up stops. Because of Hong Kong don’t have the similar promotion, people are starting to sell the service of helping people to order personalized cans and bottles in the U.K. This also helped Coca Cola Hong Kong to create the basic foundation of pull strategy as supply was super limited and it I very time consuming to mail the products from overseas to Hong Kong making the products very hard to get. Another advantage of the success of the â€Å"Share a Coke† campaign overseas is that it offered the Hong Kong campaign a word-of-mouth (WOM) communication and WOM plays an important role as a communications tool in modern marketing. As Kotler (2009) suggests that if an organization can develop a marketing program to harness and   accelerate the use of personal recommendation effectively, the more likely it will be that the marketing program will be successful. This also acted as a demand-created pull strategy, as overseas people were gifting that to people who are living in Hong Kong and Hong Kong people were soon demanding to see this unique style of Coca Cola cans in Hong Kong. As soon as people got hold with a can of the personalized Coca Cola, they will share it on Instagram to show people how cool they are. Indeed, in Hong Kong, before the official campaign launched, Coke partnered with Volkswagen and sent personalized Coke can in a fancy box to younger generation celebrities like Charlene Choi, Gillian Chung, Shiga Lin and PakHo Chau†¦etc. On the cover of that fancy white box, Coca Cola encouraged celebrities to create a post on Instagram with hashtag shoareacokehk and cocacolahk. This encouragement of sharing those â€Å"Share a coke† cans on Instagram or Facebook created another pull strategy which would eventually catching the suppliers’ attention to inquiry to Coca Cola about those unique cans as celebrities are always the focus point for people to follow where the trend is. After this massive breakthrough, â€Å"Share a coke† cans and bottles were then secretly (without any proper announcement† sent to convenience stores like 711, OK and  supermarket likes Wellcome and ParknShop. As soon as they were in stock, people started to treasure hunt to trying to â€Å"share a coke with their love one and to post it on social platforms†, mainly on Instagram and Facebook. *See below images as examples. In a situation like this, the push strategy will play its part in meeting the objectives for this campaign which is letting the supplier know the demand for this product which is created by celebrities influences, social media powers and later advertising. Finally persuading retailers to both stock the product and to actively promote the â€Å"Share a coke† cans to their customers and finally making the product more accessible. Ever since Coca Cola started to encourage people to â€Å"Share a coke†, people have been uploading Instagram and Facebook posts on a regular basis. This is a creative way to make use of the profile strategy as numerous posts will be updated on Instagram everyday automatically under hashtag shareacokehk and cocacolahk and keeping stakeholders/audiences up to date with campaign information and the official Coca Cola Instagram would also share people’s â€Å"Share a coke† moment. This tactic is cost effective for Coca Cola (saved money on hiring a spoke person as many celebrities have automatically became a â€Å"spoke person† the moment they shared their personalized Coca Cola), it created a free of charge profile strategy as fans or lay people will soon follow what celebrities are doing and share a coke with their name on social media platform. This â€Å"Share a Coke† wave has caught media’s attention as bloggers and magazines were reporting this. Therefore, at a later time, personalized cans were also sent to famous bloggers, magazine editors and particular for those who have a high number of followers/fan base on Instagram. In order to â€Å"officially† announce and position Coca Cola in the minds of consumers with a view to differentiation and to inform prospective customers about the â€Å"Share a Coke† campaign, Coca Cola then started to advertise on traditional platform. It aired a television commercial on one of the biggest television channels in Hong Kong-TVB, pointing out the various nickname that people can find to mix and match them. Advertising on national television offer mass coverage, flexible format and uses sight, movement and sound  which fit in with the young adult demographic as things like that will attract their attention. They have also created posters telling people to share a coke with their mom and dad to emphasize the objective of this campaign- shareability of the product, to make people talking about Coca Cola again. Coca Cola also rented several outdoors places at causeway bay (e.x. Sogo), creating a venting machine like billboard starting â€Å"Share a coke with the person next to you, Share Coca Cola, Share happiness† and putting all the available names on there for making potential customers aware of the offering. Advertising outdoor creates a good coverage as a support medium and as the location (Sogo, Causeway bay) is where all the young adults go, it creates a perfect interesting background for young adult to take a picture and share it on Instagram as it is not so easy to spot such a large scale Coca Cola machine in your daily life. *See below images as examples. Ogilvy & Mather (the advertising agency behind all these) had also found Jonathan Mak (who editing the Apple logo in remembrance of Steve Jobs) to design a poster inspired by â€Å"Share a Coke† to advertise this campaign. You can see attached, to depict two hands sharing a Coke. This poster has served as something unique, young and trendy to matches with the target audience of the campaign. Evaluation of effectiveness: should be related to the campaign objectives and the particular tools chosen, e.g. advertising could be post-testing, tracking studies, likeability or enquiry tests. Particular market research techniques using qualitative or quantitative methods should be proposed, e.g. focus groups, surveys. A researcher quote in Wilson (2006: p.29) suggests that, â€Å"The proposal is the most important part of the whole research project†. Before we evaluate the effectiveness of the tools use, let me restate the objective of this campaign again, which is to reconnect with young adults and just have people talking about Coca Cola again. In order to evaluate whether or not the television commercial tool is effective or not, I would use likeability test  as to researching to what degree people enjoyed the advertisement and really feel like they have connect with the â€Å"Share a coke† campaign. I propose using quantitative research which is described by Wilson (2006) as a structured approach producing quantifiable data for statistical analysis, gathered from a population  sample or census. I propose that we will create a 5 questions questionnaire asking a combination of descriptive and casual questions like â€Å"What do you feel about Coca Cola‘s â€Å"Share a Coke† campaign†, â€Å"Have you watch the TV commercial about â€Å"Share a coke†Ã¢â‚¬ , â€Å"Would you consider drinking Coca Cola as a trendy thing after watching the commercial ?†, â€Å"How do you feel about the â€Å"Share a Coke† concept and do you think the commercial has stated what we are trying to offer?†, â€Å"have you shared a coke with anyone after watching the commercial†. I suggest using Facebook as the platform to pass on the questionnaire to random audience that is within the demographic that we are aiming at as it is the most convenient and cost effective way because on Facebook you can set your target audience age to your desired one. Two identical questionnaires should be sent out to the same group of people who are aged between 18-25 across the campaign period to see if the audience has any perception changes over time. We could also get from the data whether or not we are reaching the right target auidences and whether or not this advertisement is doing what we want it to do. The second tool that we are going to evaluate is Instagram as Coca Cola has created it’s own hashtag for the campaign #shareacokehk and #cocacolahk and as our target audience is young adults, Instagram has been a major communication tools for the demographic. Also, Coca Cola has been posting all updates on its official Instagram page and this should be where we get all the noises from as Coca Cola has posted on all it’s advertising communication tools to share it on Instagram. Morevoer, Coca Cola has emphasized shareability over this campaign so the effective use of Instagram is notwithstanding one of the most important evaluation to do. Using Observation research to collect quantitative data would be a good way to analysis the effectiveness of this heavily used tool. I suggest for a consecutive of 30 days, researchers to go through around 100 potential hashtags posting on Instagram, starting with the two official hashtags â€Å"shareacokehk†, â€Å"cocacolahk†, cokehk†, â€Å"ilovecoke†Ã‚  then following any potential hashtags such as phases on cans†¦etc. Researchers will record daily change rate of each hashtag search, we can then compare shareability of each hashtags. We can also record likes from each post and see which personalized cans/bottles grabs the most attention. From the evaluation of the effectiveness of Instagram, we can increase shareability of the campaign (as, again it’s one of the major goal to get people talking about Coca Cola again). With the quantitative data that we got from this research, we can perhaps add more hashtags that people are likely to use and also we could use those information to amend or add in names that are in popular demands to keep the idea fresh. We could also see whether or not we are hitting on our target audiences. In Conclusion, the â€Å"Share a Coke† campaign is a clever idea. It is further proof how something so simple can still create a lot of buzz on the internet and in social settings. This â€Å"Share a Coke† campaign has fully fulfilled Fill (2006)’s definition of marketing communications. â€Å"A management process through which an organization seeks to engage with its various audiences. To accomplish this, the organization develops, presents and evaluates a series of messages which it sends to and receives from its different audiences. The objective of this process is to position the organization and its offering in the minds of particular audiences and in doing so encourage the  development of relationships that are of mutual value.† Coca Cola has proven to us that with the right marketing communication tools, an aging brand can sure be made younger again and reconnect with the you nger generation. Have you â€Å"Share a Coke† with your loved one today? Reference

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Marxist View on the Family

Marxists Views on the Family There are three Marxists views of the family, Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels and Eli Zaretsky; they all see all institutions such as education, the media and the family as maintaining class inequality and capitalism. Marxism is a as conflict perspective as it describes a form of inequality where groups could potentially competes for power. Modern Marxist agrees that: * Families socialise children to be obedient and hardworking, which benefits capitalists; * Wealth is passed down families, perpetuating inequalities; * Families are too privatised, discouraging wage-labourers from uniting against capitalism.Community living is preferable; * A communist society in which all means of production, such as farms and factories, are collectively owned and workers receive a fair share of the profits should replace private ownership of businesses. Marxist say the family has three main functions for capitalism: 1. Inheritance of property- Marx called the earliest classle ss society ‘primitive communism’ at this stage there was no such thing as family. As society developed private property became important.Engels said the patriarchal monogamous nuclear family emerged (male dominated). In order to ensure the legitimate heir inherited from them. Marx said with the overthrow of capitalism the means of production would be owned collectively so there would be no need for the nuclear family to exist as a means of transmitting private property down the generations. 2. Ideological Function (The idea that family brainwashes us into capitalism)- Marxists say the family persuades people to think of capitalism as a fair, natural and unchangeable system.Families socialise children into thinking that hierarchy and inequality are inevitable. The family prepares people to take orders at work. Zaretsky says people are encourages to think of the family as a haven from the outside world but this is largely an illusion. As even in the privacy of our home we can subject to state control. 3. A unit of consumption- The family is an important consumer of products and has a major role in generating profits for capitalism.Advertisers urge us to ‘keep up with the Jones’. They encourage ‘pester power’ from children. Children who don’t have the latest products may be bullied. Thus Marxists see the family as performing several functions for capitalist society: the inheritance of private property, socialisation into accepting inequality, and a source of profit. According to Marxists these may benefit capitalism but not members of the family.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Causes of the Russian Revolution Part 2

Causes of the Russian Revolution Part 2 Causes Part 1. Ineffective Government The ruling elites were still mostly land owning aristocracy, but some in the civil service were landless. The elites ran the state bureaucracy and sat above the normal population. Unlike other countries the elites and the landed depended on the tsar and had never formed a counter to him. Russia had a strict set of civil service ranks, with jobs, uniforms etc., where advancement was automatic. The bureaucracy was weak and failing, losing the experience and skills needed in the modern world, but refusing to let people with those skills in. The system was a vast overlapping chaos, full of confusion, tsarist divide and rule and petty jealousy. Laws overrode other laws, the tsar able to override all. To the outside it was arbitrary, archaic, incompetent and unfair. It stopped the bureaucracy from becoming professional, modern, efficient or as a counter to as medieval looking monarch.Russia had got like this by making a choice. An influx of professional civil servants produced the Great Re forms of the 1860s, to strengthen the state through western reform after the Crimean War. This included ‘freeing’ the serfs (of a sort) and in 1864 created zemstvos, local assemblies in many areas leading to a form of self-rule sandwiched between nobles, who resented it, and peasants, who often did too. The 1860s were liberal, reforming times. They could have led Russia towards the west. It would have been costly, difficult, prolonged, but the chance was there.However, the elites were divided on a response. Reformists accepted the rule of equal law, political freedom, a middle class and opportunities for the working class. Calls for a constitution led Alexander II to order a limited one. The rivals of this progress wanted the old order, and were made up of many in the military; they demanded autocracy, strict order, nobles and church as dominant forces (and the military of course). Then Alexander II was murdered, and his son shut it down. Counter reforms, to centralize control, and strength the personal rule of the tsar followed. Alexander II’s death is the start of the Russian tragedy of the twentieth century.    The 1860s meant Russia had people who had tasted reform, lost it and looked for†¦ revolution.Imperial government ran out below the eighty nine provincial capitals. Below that peasants ran it their own way, alien to the elites above. Localities were under governed and the old regime was not a hyper powerful all seeing oppression. Old government was absent and out of touch, with a small number of police, state officials, who were co-opted for more and more by the state as there wasn’t anything else (for instant checking roads). Russia had a small tax system, bad communications, small middle class, and a serfdom which ended with the landowner in charge still. Only very slowly was the Tsar’s government meeting the new civilians.Zemstvos, run by locals, became key. The state rested on landowning nobles, but they were in decline post emancipation, and used these small local committees to defend themselves against industrializing and state government. Up to 1905 this was a liberal movement pushing for safeguards and provincial society, e.g. peasant versus landowner, calling for more local power, a Russian parliament, a constitution. The provincial nobility were the early revolutionaries, not workers. Alienated Military The Russian military was full of tensions against the Tsar, despite it supposedly being the man’s biggest supporter. Firstly it kept losing (Crimea, Turkey, Japan) and this was blamed on the government: military expenditure declined. As industrialization was not as advanced in the west, so Russia became poorly trained, equipped and supplied in the new methods and lost. The soldiers and self-aware officers were being demoralized. Russian soldiers were sworn to the Tsar, not the state. History seeped into all aspects of the Russian court and they obsessed over little details like buttons, not fixing a feudal army lost in a modern world.Also, the army was being used more and more to support the provincial governors in suppressing revolts: despite the facts much of the lower ranks were peasants too. The army began to fracture over demand to stop civilians. That was before the condition of the army itself where people were seen as serfs, sub civilian slaves by officers. In 1917, ma ny soldiers wanted a reform of the army as much as of the government. Above them were a group of new professional military men who saw the faults through the system, from trench technique to supply of arms, and demanded effective reform. They saw the court and the tsar as stopping it. They turned to the Duma as an outlet, beginning a relationship which would change Russian in early 1917. The Tsar was losing the support of his talented men. An Out of Touch Church The Russians were involved in a foundation myth of being at one with and defending the Orthodox Church and orthodox Russia, which began at the very start of the state. In the 1900s this was stressed this over and over. The Tsar as political-religious figure was unlike anywhere in the west and he or she could damn with the church as well as destroy with laws. The church was vital for controlling the mostly illiterate peasants, and priests had to preach obedience to the Tsar and report objections to police and to state. They allied easily with the last two Tsars, who wanted a return to medieval times.But industrialization was pulling peasants into secular cities, where churches and priests lagged behind the vast growth. The church did not adapt to urban life and a growing number of priests called for reform of it all (and the state too). Liberal clergy realized reform of church only possible with a move away from the tsar. Socialism was what answered the workers new needs, not old Chri stianity. Peasants not exactly enamored of priests and their actions harked to a pagan time, and many priests were underpaid and grasping. A Politicized Civil Society By the 1890s, Russia had developed an educated, political culture among a group of people who were not yet numerous enough to truly be called a Middle Class, but who were forming between the aristocracy and the peasants / workers. This group were part of a ‘civil society’ which sent their youth to be students, read newspapers, and looked towards serving the public rather than the Tsar. Largely liberal, the events of a severe famine in the early 1890s both politicized and radicalized them, as their collective action outlined them to them both how ineffective the Tsarist government now was, and how much they could achieve if they were allowed to unite. The members of the zemstvo’s were chief among these. As the Tsar refused to meet their demands, so many of this social sphere turned against him and his government. Nationalism Nationalism came to Russia at the end of the nineteenth century and neither Tsars government nor liberal opposition could cope with it. It was the socialists who pushed regional independence, and socialist-nationalists who did best among the different nationalists. Some nationalists wanted to stay in the Russian empire but get greater power; the Tsar inflamed this by stamping on it and Russifying, turning cultural movements into fierce political opposition. Tsars had always Russified but it was now much worse Repression and Revolutionaries The Decembrist uprising of 1825 triggered a series of reactions in Tsar Nicholas I, including the creation of a police state. Censorship was combined with the ‘Third Section’, a group of investigators looking into acts and thoughts against the state, which could exile to Siberia suspects, not just convicted of any transgression, but just suspected of it. In 1881 the Third Section became the Okhranka, a secret police fighting a war using agents everywhere, even pretending to be revolutionaries. If you want to know how the Bolsheviks expanded their police state, the line started here.The revolutionaries of the period had been in harsh Tsarist prisons, hardened into extremism, the weak falling away. They started as intellectuals of Russia, a class of readers, thinkers and believers, and were turned into something colder and dark. These derived from the Decembrists of the 1820s, their first opponents and revolutionaries of the new order in Russia, and inspired intellectuals in succeeding generations. Rejected and attacked, they reacted by turning to violence and dreams of violent struggle. A study of terrorism in the twenty first century finds this pattern repeated. A warning was there. The fact that western ideas which had leaked into Russia ran into the new censorship meant they tended to be distorted into powerful dogma rather than argued into pieces like the rest. The revolutionaries looked to the people, who they were usually born above, as the ideal, and the state, who they reviled, with guilt driven anger. But the intellectuals had no real concept of peasants, just a dream of the people, an abstraction that led Lenin and company to authoritarianism.Calls for a small group of revolutionaries to seize power and create a revolutionary dictatorship to in turn create a socialist society (including removing enemies) were around far before the 1910s, and the 1860s were a golden age for such ideas; now they were violent and hateful. They didn’t have to choose Marxism. Many didn’t at first. Born in 1872, Marx’s Capital was cleared by their Russian censor as they though to too hard to understand to be dangerous, and about an industrial state Russia didn’t have. They were terribly wrong, and it was an instant hit, the fad of its day – the intelligentsia had just seen one popular movement fail, so they turned to Marx as a new hope. No more populism and peasants, but urban workers, closer and understandable. Marx seemed to be sensible, logical science, not dogma, modern and western.One young man, Lenin, was thrown into a new orbit, away from being a lawyer and into being a revolutionary, when his older brother was executed for terrorism. Lenin was drawn into rebellion and expelled from university. He was a fully blown revolutionary derived from other groups in Russia’s history already when he first encountered Marx, and he rewrote Marx for Russia, not the other way round.   Lenin accepted the ideas of the Russian Marxist leader Plekhanov, and they would recruit the urban workers by involving them in strikes for better rights. As ‘legal Marxists’ pushed a peaceful agenda, Lenin and others reacted with a commitment to revolution and creating a counter Tsarist party, strictly organised. They created the newspaper Iskra (the Spark) as a mouthpiece to command the members. The editors were the First Soviet of the Social Democratic Party, including Lenin. He wrote What Is To Be Done? (1902), a hectoring, violent work that set out the party. The Social Democrats split into two groups, the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks, at the second Party Congress in 1903. Lenin’s dictatorial approach pushed the split. Lenin was a centraliser who distrusted the people to get it right, an anti-democrat, and he was a Bolshevik whereas the Mensheviks were prepared to work with the middle classes. World War 1 Was the Catalyst The First World War provided the catalyst for Russia’s revolutionary year of 1917. The war itself went badly from the start, prompting the Tsar to take personal charge in 1915, a decision which placed the full responsibility for the next years of failure on his shoulders. As demand for ever more soldiers increased, the peasant population grew angry as young men and horses, both essential for the war, were taken away, reducing the amount they could grow and damaging their standard of living. Russia’s most successful farms suddenly found their labour and material removed for the war, and the less successful peasants became ever more concerned with self-sufficiency, and even less concerned with selling a surplus, than ever before.Inflation occurred and prices rose, so hunger became endemic. In the cities, workers found themselves unable to afford the high prices, and any attempt to agitate for better wages, usually in the form of strikes, saw them branded as disloyal to Ru ssia, disaffecting them further. The transport system ground to a halt due to failures and poor management, halting the movement of military supplies and food. Meanwhile soldiers on leave explained how poorly supplied the army was, and bought first hand accounts of the failure at the front. These soldiers, and the high command who had previously supported the Tsar, now believed he had failed them.An increasingly desperate government turned to using the military to curb the strikers, causing mass protest and troop mutinies in the cities as soldiers refused to open fire. A revolution had begun.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Life of Al Capone essays

Life of Al Capone essays Imagine a city where gangster ruled. In the 1920s, Chicago was a town known for being controlled by its criminal element. Half of the police force was paid by mob rulers; illegal alcohol was flowing free in the streets during the Prohibition Era; and the fire of tommy guns was a familiar sound to everyone who lived in downtown Chicago. In the windy city, Al Capone was the epitome of a gangster whose lifestyle involved crime, prostitution, and bootlegged alcohol. In his youth, Al Capone already started a life of crime which led to his being a notorious gangster as an adult; however, it was not his violence but his lifestyle that brought about his demise. As a child, Al started to become involved with some gang-related activities and also met some people that helped develop a lifestyle that shaped the way he would live. Al Capone came from a humble beginning. Gabriele Capone, a barber, and Teresina Raiola, a seamstress, were both born in Naples, Italy, where they were married. (Al Capone) They had three children in Italy, but desired a better life for their family. They decided to move to America, the land of the free. Once, in America they made their home in Brooklyn, New York. This is where their fourth son, Alphonse Capone, was born on January 17, 1899. Though living in poverty, their parents provided a decent standard of living for their children. When Capone was old enough to start school Als parents sent him to a public school in Brooklyn. Later he dropped out at the age of fourteen due to a fight with his teacher and the schools principal. Now, Capone had plenty of free time on his hands. Family members and friend s noticed that Al was very wise when it came to living on the streets of New York. He had a clever and somewhat ingenious mind when it came to life on the street. He had what most people called street smarts. Now that Capone was spending more time on the streets, he starte...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Beliefs About Students Essay Example for Free

Beliefs About Students Essay It is undeniable that the beliefs about students and education have a profound impact on what is taught and how it is taught, just as the beliefs about life have a profound impact on how individuals live their lives. Educational beliefs are revised and refined and over time becomes stronger as they seem to serve us well and prove to be true. Thus, these beliefs ultimately become our philosophy of education. It is possible that every student that enters a classroom can succeed. However, in order for them to accomplish this, teaching should be student centered. Students should be encouraged to understand and appreciate their uniqueness and to be accountable for their learning and behavior. According to Ornstein and Hunkins (2004) Perennialism relies on the past; especially the past asserted by agreed-on universal knowledge and cherished values. Dunn (2005) also agreed that Perennialism is the oldest educational philosophy and is therefore traditional. It is believed that students are vessels to be filled and disciplined in the proven strategies of the past. This philosophy is supported by the realist philosopher John Locke, who was of the belief that at birth the mind is a blank sheet of paper on which the teacher could write knowledge (Tabula Rasa). According to the essentialist viewpoint, there are certain basic or essential knowledge, skills and understandings that students should master in order to function successfully in the society. These are reading, writing, computing and in today’s world, computer skills. Plato, who was the father of idealism, believed that both male and female are equal and should be educated equally. Therefore, the curriculum is the same for everyone and planning to execution of lessons are dominated by the teacher. However, one should not forget that these beliefs are teacher centered and tend to be more authoritarian and conservative and emphasize only the values and knowledge that have survived through time. Learning occurs through experience, Therefore students should be allowed to develop cognitively through experimentation and to reach their own personal potential instead of being shaped into a specific mould. Dunn (2005) cited Immanuel Kant who agreed that knowledge is rooted in the experience of mankind and can only be achieved by an active and exploratory mind, rather than one that is passive and receptive. Carl Rogers also believed in experiential learning. He believed that unlike academic knowledge, experiential knowledge is required to meet the needs of the learner in order to complete important real-life tasks such as learning to drive a car. Every student is different, no single set of learning outcomes is appropriate for all students. Thus a set curriculum will not be suitable for all. Students should be able to determine what they need to study with the guidance of the teacher. This will help them to arrive at their own understandings. Jean Sartre, a leader of existentialism believed that man’s responsibility is vested in man himself. He further stated that people are entitled to be human with dignity and is a human only when he or she is entirely free and accepts responsibility for his freedom. You may be led to believe that students are blank slates and learn based on mainly academic knowledge that has been tried, tested and proven and that all humans are equal and should be educated equally. However, do not ignore the fact that students are taking to the classroom, their own ideas and materials rather than receiving material in class as it is given. Students restructure the new information to fit into their own cognitive frameworks. In this manner, they actively and individually construct their own knowledge. They also are different thus, the same rigorous curriculum will not work for all students. From these facts one may conclude that in order to help students reach their full potential and gain the knowledge and skills that they will require in their daily lives as a democratic citizen of our society, the student centered approach to how students learn must be practiced. Therefore it is recommended that teachers facilitate students instead of being fountains of wisdom. The teacher should help students in their pursuit for knowledge and also help them acquire the communication, problem solving and critical thinking skills which will enable them to be life-long learners. Beliefs About Students. (2018, Oct 24).